Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Unfortunately modern slavery and human trafficking is still running rampant in this world. It exists in hundreds of forms and in almost every country on Earth.

ESDO’s focus is on:

Eliminating exploitation in labour supply and in supply chains 

More effective border management to identify and prevent human trafficking at borders

Improving opportunities and support to the victims of modern slavery and human trafficking whose trauma puts their lives at significant disadvantage and makes them less resilient to re-trafficking

Preventing migrants and refugees from becoming victims of modern slavery and human trafficking

Modern Slavery

Human Trafficking

What we’re doing

At ESDO we believe that research and behaviour change are underutilised (or often poorly executed) tools in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking. Our focus in ESDO’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Program is therefore to:

Design and deploy behavioural change communications campaigns at key points of influence that can prevent individual and community reception to modern slavery and human trafficking risks.

Increase the knowledge base and adoption of humanitarian aid and development projects that are effective at reducing the prevalence of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Deliver victim support projects designed to increase resilience to re-trafficking and to support them to identify opportunities for alternative livelihoods, including through ESDO’s Poverty, Education, Livelihoods and Innovation Program.

⇒ Build the capacity of governments to more effectively allocate resources to managing modern slavery and human trafficking risks at the border, through the use of differentiated border controls.

© European Sustainable Development Organisation, Ireland